Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Middle School Graduates 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Tim Horton's Vs. Starbucks
Monday, May 3, 2010

In the car as I got nearer to my destination I got increasingly nervous. My stomach felt like it was in a million knots, my head was spinning, my heart was beating a mile a minute, my breathing increased, i got clammy hands, all I could think about was what I was about to do and I truthfully thought I would puke. These all increased as I got closer and closer to where I was going.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Justin Bieber compared to MJ?!

Justin Bieber being compared to Michael Jackson?! WHAT?! I just heard about him being compared to MJ! I would have never imagined that he would be compared to the King of Pop. Michael Jackson has been around for a very long time and worked very hard to get his title, but now teenage Justin Bieber is being compared to that!
Sunday, April 18, 2010

I think that being able to travel to all these different places is a very great thing. Going to different countries can be such an eye opener, because all these different countries have different cultures, religions and different ways of life! I think that it is so interesting to see them. It's very different seeing people in exotic places in pictures or movies, you have to really be there to feel how different it is. Like when we're shown videos from World Vision and other organizations they show us the people they help, what they're doing and where they are, but once you actually see people like the people who are being helped by World Vision in person it's so different and has so much more meaning.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
When I was younger....

Remember when you were younger? I mean when you were really young, like age 5 or 6. Think about your life when you were that old, then compare it to your life now. Think about your friends when you were little, why did you like them? Think about how you acted and what you did for fun. Think about what you had fights about. What were your favorite things in life? Chances are you played with those friends because your parents were friends. You acted how you did because it's how your parents or teachers told you to and most young children act the same! For fun you probably swung on the swings, played on the playground, made mud pies after the rain in your sandbox. You probably also had fights about not getting that toy you really wanted, or your parents not letting you have ice cream at 8 AM. Your favorite thing was probably Lacy, your stuffed penguin. All those things are so simple!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A leader must have the courage to act against an expert's advice. - James Callaghan (Prime Minister of the United Kingdom)
Sunday, February 21, 2010
The Future...

The future, it's something a lot of us wonder about, what new jobs will there be? What cool new inventions will be there? Will we all be millionaires? Will cows grow wings and fly? There are so many questions you could think of about the future, but most no one can say for sure will happen. Everyone has hopes for what will happen in the future. We just don't know basically anything that will happen!
Some of my hopes for the future are that global warming will be solved, the economy will be better and that situations like poverty are improved. Those are probably the main hopes that a lot of people have for the future. They're things that are bad now, so we hope that in the future someone will fix it and each situation will be improved.
There are also many new inventions that people now wish they have, so in the future we hope that people will have those. Some really cool inventions I can think of would be things like teleporting, automatically filling fridge/pantry and of course way better computers than we already have. Teleporting would be amazing because let's say you were sitting at home and kind of hungry and you felt like eating Chinese food. With a teleporter you could just instantly go to China, pick up some food than go home! It would be amazing! An automatically filling fridge/pantry would be a thing where you tell it what you would like to eat and it would just appear! You would never have to go grocery shopping or running out of some food that you really want. Also, better computers would be great. That one is pretty self-explanatory. Our computers are already really amazing, but they could always be better, we always have complaints.
So, in the future, there are many things that we wish would happen and things we wish will be created. We just don't know which or if any of them will happen! So, for the future all we can do is work for the future and hope.
-Fiona XOXO
Monday, February 15, 2010
Having a dinosaur as a pet...

Having a dinosaur as a pet seems like a pretty crazy idea. It would be really cool though! Dinosaurs are kind of a weird thing to think about though, no one we know could of possibly seen one, which is unlike many, many things in this world. The only way we can imagine them is through fossils and their skeletons. From there people can create a digital image of what they may have looked like. Although, we can't tell what colour they would have been, so they could have been really bright colours like yellow, purple and green! Or they could have been really bland colours like tan, white and gray. There is just no way to tell!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
If I won the lottery...

If I won the lottery and obtained 40 million dollars there is a lot of stuff I would LOVE to do! I think I would start with buying a private jet, just because I could travel wherever I wanted, whenever I wanted! I would also donate about 2 or 3 million to charity. I don't know which charities but probably 1 million to poverty in Africa, 0.5 million to animal related charities and 1 million to Haiti. I would also hire someone to personally create my graduation dress. Then I would buy a summer home in the Bahamas and a cottage in Michigan. I would definitely also buy one of those tickets to go to space. That would be AMAZING!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
If I could relive a day...

There are a few days that I might want to re-do and change something that I might've done wrong, or wish I did differently. There are also some days though that I just loved so much that I wouldn't mind reliving!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Super Powers!!

It would be great to have super powers. Being able to do incredible things without even trying! You could do anything, fly, read minds, become invisible or shape shift! Those are a few of my favorite super powers.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Someone Else's Shoes

If I could be another person for a day I would be a celebrity, like Taylor Swift or Katy Perry or Miley Cyrus. I would be someone like them because I think it would be a lot of fun to perform on stage and have a big crowd of people. While I was a famous person (with lots of money!) I would for sure go shopping at the biggest malls ever and buy tons of clothes and things. It would also be good to be a celebrity to see what it's like, because they always say how it's not always easy and fun, it's kind of hard to believe that though. So I think it would be good to be a celebrity to see if their complaints are true, or if they're just being winey.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Did you know?

In class we watched a video called: "Did you know?" and it told us some facts. Some of the facts that impacted me the most were: "China will soon become the number one english speaking country in the world.", "We are currently preparing students for jobs that don't yet exist... using technologies that haven't been invented... in order to solve problems we don't even know are problems yet.", "If Myspace were a country it would be the 5th largest in the world.", "It is estimated that a week's worth of the New York Times contains more information than a person was likely to come across in a lifetime in the 18th century." and "Predictions are that by 2049, a $1000 computer will exceed the computational capabilities of the entire human species."