Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Middle School Graduates 2010

We have come so far, remember back in grade 1? Think about how much we've all changed since then. I remember looking into middle school classrooms and seeing Mrs. D's math equations on the board and saying to myself: 'I will never be able to do math like that! Why are there letters there anyway?'. When I was in grade 2 I thought the middle school kids were so big and scary and tried to stay away from them as much as possible, now we're all one of those big, scary kids and soon we will be even bigger! We'll be high schoolers.

Look at the work we're doing now, if I saw how big all those history projects were in lower school I would have screamed. School work isn't all that's changed from lower school either, we have different after school and out of school activities too. Now we play more sports and we are much better at them than when we were little. Out of school lots of people dance, swim, horseback ride and many other things! Some of us are even getting summer jobs, nothing we ever even thought of in lower school.

Our friendships are even different now, some of us still have the some of the same friends from way back then, but we do different things now. Now we go to parties, when we were all little the only parties we went to were birthday parties. A lot of us go shopping with our friends now too, I remember when my mom picked out all of my clothes! Now we also have dances, remember when we thought the opposite gender had cooties?

When I was little I was such a different person in every way! I'm sure most of you were too! Even the music I listened to, I remember being obsessed with Hilary Duff. I was also very shy, I wouldn't even call people on the phone, now I'm on the phone 24/7! Try thinking back to what you were like in lower school? It's very weird to think of how different you were, it almost seems like that wasn't you! When we're in grade 12 and thinking about graduating I bet we'll look back at our grade 8 selves and think somewhat the same things that we're thinking of about our lower school selves.

So, try looking back at some old photos of yourself when you were a kid, maybe dig out some old home videos. Think about how much we've changed! I know that I've changed so much even from grade 7 to now! It's very weird to think of how you were back then. We've all come so far and now we have to take another big step into high school. Good luck!

-Fiona XOX

I commented on: Bianca's Blog


Laziness is something that most people deal with every day, whether you notice it or not, everyone tries to avoid work or something in favor of lying on the couch watching TV. But for some people it's much worse, it gets to the point that you never work and spend all your time lying on the couch or sitting at the computer. Laziness can affect many things in your life, it can affect your work or school, your relationships and your physical health. Everyone is somewhat lazy, but when it comes to an extreme point it can really take a toll on your life.

Laziness affects your work and school because while at the workplace or your school you don't work very hard and just push it off until later, but when later arrives you still choose your computer over work. Soon enough it will become a habit, you will be so used to not doing any work you just never will. Once it becomes a habit it can very quickly get to the extreme point. Laziness often starts with work, then it spreads to other parts of your life.

It can affect your personal relationships by not going to see your friends and family as much, preferring to stay at home, in your comfort zone. Your comfort zone also gets smaller as you get lazier, because you go to less places and become accustomed to staying in your own home. So, you see your friends and family less and soon your bond becomes thinner and thinner and you can easily lose some friends and become less close to family.

Quickly laziness will make you unhealthy. When you become lazier you don't go to places as much, so instead of going to the gym or going for run you might watch TV. The things you eat also get worse, the faster meals that fill you up are normally more unhealthy. Even walking around less makes you unhealthier, walking does not make a major difference in your weight, but every little bit does help, and if you cut down walking greatly every day then you would quickly weigh more.

So, laziness can start of easily and harmlessly, but it can evolve into something bigger and very unhealthy. It normally starts with putting off doing work, then you get into a habit of never working. Then you go out less and don't see your friends or family as much and bonds weaken. Finally, you aren't as active and don't exercise as much, so you become very unhealthy. You also eat worse foods for your body. So, try to notice when you're putting off a lot of work and when it becomes a habit, because it can evolve into something worse.

-Fiona XOX

I commented on: Emilie's Blog

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Tim Horton's Vs. Starbucks

This is the debate I have every Tuesday night, I can go to Starbucks or Tim Horton's. They are both great places to get a little snack and a nice warm drink. Tim Horton's is the classic Canadian coffee place, which every Canadian loves. In Canada if you drive in any direction in a city I guarantee you will pass a Tim Horton's. Starbucks is harder to come across, and is certainly not as Canadian as Tim Hortons, but those drinks are just too delicious to resist.
On one hand, Tim Horton's is less costly than Starbucks and has more snack options like many different doughnuts, timbits, sandwiches and soup. I really find it amazing that in this day and age you can get a sandwich, coffee and a doughnut for under $8!!! The soup is also a comforting lunch. Although, I've found with Tim Horton's drinks, like my favorite, the french vanilla cappuccino, are way too hot! You have to wait about 20 minutes just so it doesn't burn your tongue! I also wish Tim Horton's had those sleeves for the cup so it isn't too hot to hold. Sometimes the drinks are a bit too watery as well, which you won't find at Starbucks.

On the other hand, Starbucks drinks are pure perfection. The way the hot drink feels, especially on a cold winter day, is just amazing. For me having a Starbucks drink completely brightens my day, tasting that delicous drink always brings a smile to my face. The sharp, white cup with the classy green logo on it just tops it all off. When I walk out from Starbucks I always feel proud. The food there is also great! The paninis are to die for! But, the prices are outrageous. They very much over-price everything! A lot of people just can't get Starbucks drinks or snacks because of how crazily high their prices are.

So I can't choose between Starbucks or Tim Hortons, they are both really great. The Starbucks drinks are always perfect, but are highly over-priced. The Tim Horton's soup and sandwiches are always amazing and at such good prices, but the drinks don't have the same quality as Starbucks. So, choose for yourself, sometimes I will indulge at Starbucks, but other times I'll just enjoy a nice Tim Horton's doughnut. So it's your choice, I think they're both great!

-Fiona XOX

I commented on: Bianca's Blog

Monday, May 3, 2010


In the car as I got nearer to my destination I got increasingly nervous. My stomach felt like it was in a million knots, my head was spinning, my heart was beating a mile a minute, my breathing increased, i got clammy hands, all I could think about was what I was about to do and I truthfully thought I would puke. These all increased as I got closer and closer to where I was going.

These are all symptoms that most people get when they get nervous. Different things make people nervous, some people have stage fright and when forced to perform on stage or speak publicly they have all those symptoms and try their hardest to get out of it. Some people are nervous of heights, so if they have to go in a plane they are freaking out the whole flight. There are some people who get nervous of everyday things that we find normal, like uncleanliness, sharp objects, sometimes something as random as ducks can really terrify people.

As I entered the doors of the building I truly thought I would faint. I did not know how I could possibly do this and I wanted nothing more than to just go home and hide in my room. Why did I ever want to do this?! As I approached the stage my hands were shaking and my legs were moving awkwardly. When I stepped into the centre of the runway and saw everyone looking at me I could've fainted, but as I started to walk down my confidence got higher. I realized I knew what I was doing and could actually do this. There was nothing to be afraid of, what did I have to lose? I was no longer nervous!

Most of the nervousness people feel is before actually doing whatever it is they are afraid of, it is mainly anxiety. To help get rid of anxiety or nervousness some tricks are: to drink water before you go on stage, it helps clear your body and mind. Trace a figure 8 on your hand, it has a soothing sensation. Be well prepared, if you know what you are doing you will be more confident because you will be less likely to mess up. You can also set something fun up for afterwards so you'll have something to look forward to and something else to think about. Once you are actually there, speaking in front of that crowd or in the airplane soaring over the world, you start to feel better. You soon realize there is nothing to be afraid of! You can do this, what have you really got to lose? After you have finished your speech or show you think to yourself: "How could I have ever been afraid of that? It was so easy! I could definitely do that any day."

There, I was done. That wasn't so bad! What was I so afraid of? I was so silly! Now everyones eyes were off me and were judging another girl, who was also as nervous as I was. As I watched her I could see her gradually get more confident and self-assured as she walked down the runway. As she got off the runway she looked relieved. All of us were going through the same thing. First we were excited, then as the event approached we got nervous, very nervous. As each of us stepped onto the runway and could feel the burning of the crowds eyes all of us could have fainted, or puked... or both. Then as we walked down the runway we got more confident! As each of us stepped off the stage and it was over we were all very much relieved.

Everyone gets nervous. Every single person you know has been nervous in their life. Even the people who you think are extremely confident have been nervous, they've just learned to overcome it. Although, you can't completely overcome nervousness, there will always be a small part of you that will be a bit scared, you just learn to ignore it. Even the biggest celebrities get nervous before they perform. Most performers have rituals they do before they go on stage to help relax them and get themselves ready.

Now everyone was waiting for the results, you could feel the tension in the air. Some of the anxiety was back, but we all knew there was nothing else we could do, it was done. Finally, the results were ready. "Fiona Burnett," the announcer called. A wide smile slowly spread on my face as I came into realization. This was it, this was why I went through all that anxiety. It was truly worth it.

So, it's natural to be nervous, but it's never as bad as you think it will be. When you're nervous just try those tricks that I mentioned before and tell yourself that it won't be bad and think about the up sides of what you're doing. You won't be able to stop yourself from being nervous ever, but don't worry about that. The older you get and the more things that you do that scare you the more experience you would have.

-Fiona XOX

I commented on: Lizzie's Blog

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Justin Bieber compared to MJ?!

Justin Bieber being compared to Michael Jackson?! WHAT?! I just heard about him being compared to MJ! I would have never imagined that he would be compared to the King of Pop. Michael Jackson has been around for a very long time and worked very hard to get his title, but now teenage Justin Bieber is being compared to that!

Michael Jackson definitely worked long and hard to get his title of: 'The King of Pop". He started performing at a very young age and was singing until he died. Although, he was a bit weird, but most really great singers are. Michael Jackson did some strange things in his life, but he continuously made good music. His hard work and great music gave him his title, he greatly deserved it.

Justin Bieber on the other hand is just in his teens and has only been popular for about 6 months. Justin Bieber is really no different than any other pop singer today. Michael Jackson was amazing because he changed music for ever. Justin Bieber is just copying every other pop singer. Justin Bieber's music isn't even good and the only people who like him are crazy teenage girls who like him for his looks and by this time next year those girls will have moved on to some other singer.

So, I think it is completely unfair for Justin Bieber to be called 'The New King of Pop' because Michael worked long and hard for that title and changed pop music forever. Michael Jackson was also loved by many different people, unlike Justin Bieber fans who are just teenage girls. Michael Jackson will be remembered forever as the true 'King of Pop', while Justin Bieber is just a silly fad that will soon pass.

-Fiona XOX

I commented on: Olivia's Blog

Sunday, April 18, 2010


I think that being able to travel to all these different places is a very great thing. Going to different countries can be such an eye opener, because all these different countries have different cultures, religions and different ways of life! I think that it is so interesting to see them. It's very different seeing people in exotic places in pictures or movies, you have to really be there to feel how different it is. Like when we're shown videos from World Vision and other organizations they show us the people they help, what they're doing and where they are, but once you actually see people like the people who are being helped by World Vision in person it's so different and has so much more meaning.

Many people haven't had the experience of traveling, but fortunately many people at our school have been able to. If you can travel I think it's a bit of a waste if you just stay in your sheltered resort instead of actually going around and seeing how people really live there! I know so many people who have travelled to these exotic, interesting places, but have just stayed in their resort, sun bathing by the pool. I think that it is a waste of being in an amazing place and just lying by a pool, which you could do at home. Every time I travel I try to take advantage of what is offered to me and I think that people should do the same. Every place has different things that it can teach you. From traveling I have learned so much, I would be a very different person if I hadn't gotten the opportunity to go to the places I have.

When I travel I love to actually go into a real city where people from wherever I am actually live. While I was in Africa we didn't even stay in a resort. We travelled around with a group and went to different hotels. We were always safe and still guarded, but we weren't completely closed in. I got to meet people who really lived in the bad areas of Africa. We went to what's called a "Shanty Town", which is a small place where very poor people make homes from discarded cardboard, sheets of metal, corrugated iron, etc. The people who lived there were in such an awful place, yet they seemed happy. Those people were happy with everything they had, they never wasted anything. Everyone there treated each other like family and always helped each other. It made me think that if they have such a bad life and treat each other so well, why can't we? We live such an amazing life yet we always complain and I never heard any of those people complain about anything once.

This weekend my cousin came to visit me, she had just come back from backpacking through Asia. Before she was in Asia she was in University in Australia for environmental studies and tourism. She told me about all these experiences she has had with traveling. My family has travelled a lot, mainly backpacking. Almost all of my cousins have gone backpacking, whether it be in Asia, Africa or South America. When I'm done high school I also plan on backpacking. From everything I have heard about it it seems like such an amazing experience. You can learn so many things. My cousin who just got back from backpacking in Asia said she probably learned more things from traveling than she did in University. My family while traveling always met local people, while backpacking they relied on local people. They were always amazed at the different cultures and how different every place really was! For instance, in Asia they drink tea like water. Everywhere my cousin went they always had free hot water and had so many different teas for sale. Now that she's home she still drinks tea about 7 times a day.

So, I think that traveling is a great experience, but can be wasted if you don't take the opportunity to actually see the cultural side of it, not just soaking up the sun. I strongly encourage everyone that next time they travel to get out of the resort and actually go into a real part of the country. I also think that after high school traveling is a great thing to do if you have the chance. My cousin said it changed her life so much and that if she hadn't traveled she would have probably would have studied business in Canada, instead she studied the environment in Australia. You can learn some really great things while traveling, that I can't explain, no video or picture or person can ever really show you what it's like. You have to see it and feel it for yourself. Traveling is really something that I hold close to my heart because it has helped me learn so many important things and has really changed who I am today.

-Fiona XOXO

I commented on: Andie's Blog

Sunday, April 11, 2010

When I was younger....

Remember when you were younger? I mean when you were really young, like age 5 or 6. Think about your life when you were that old, then compare it to your life now. Think about your friends when you were little, why did you like them? Think about how you acted and what you did for fun. Think about what you had fights about. What were your favorite things in life? Chances are you played with those friends because your parents were friends. You acted how you did because it's how your parents or teachers told you to and most young children act the same! For fun you probably swung on the swings, played on the playground, made mud pies after the rain in your sandbox. You probably also had fights about not getting that toy you really wanted, or your parents not letting you have ice cream at 8 AM. Your favorite thing was probably Lacy, your stuffed penguin. All those things are so simple!

Now, ask your self the same questions, but with your life now. They're much different, right? Things are more complicated now and people are more different. Now you like your friends for many different reasons, but now when you think of your friends you can also think of things you don't like about them. When you were little you probably didn't have any reasons not to like a friend other than the fact that they stole your favorite red crayon two days ago. Now everyone acts so differently from each other! And the things people do are very different! One person might love to draw, while another might love to play soccer! Now the things we fight about are also very different, now we fight about so and so ditching you at lunch or deleting you as a Facebook friend. And your cell phone and laptop is now your favorite thing! See how much more complicated things are?

With how much has changed in about seven years imagine how much more it will change! When you're older, let's say around 22 your answers to those questions will be very different again! And chances are when you think back to what your answers are now you'll think: "Wow, I was so silly! Things are much more complicated now!" Then you'll be even older! Now let's think about your answers when you're 70! Those are very hard to even imagine now!

So, you see how much things will change in your life. But, in my opinion, when your 5 or 70 that is when you're the smartest. When you're 5 years old you may not be book smart, but with friends and family you're smart. When you're very young you hardly ever fight with your friends and your fights with your family last about 5 minutes and always end with a bear hug. When you're 70 you are very knowledgeable about many things. By then you probably have one thing, or maybe more, that you know everything about. Again, you hardly ever fight with your friends and you're now smart enough to cherish your family and not fight with them. So, try to think about how much things will change and not take things too seriously right now.

Albert Einstein - True religion is real living; living with all one's soul, with all one's goodness and righteousness.

-Fiona XOXO

I commented on: Emily V's Blog

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


A leader must have the courage to act against an expert's advice. - James Callaghan (Prime Minister of the United Kingdom)

Have you ever noticed that most leaders are going against what most people do? Leaders really are people who build up the courage to do something or say something publicly that everyone else is afraid to do. For standing up for something a leader will be greatly loved and supported by some people, but also despised by others. That is part of the risk that leaders have to take. Sometimes it is easier to notice the people who hate you, rather than the ones who love you, so leaders would have a hard time sometimes.

Another big part in a big leadership action is the first people to publicly agree with what the leader is doing or saying. Without the first followers a leader really wouldn't be a leader anymore since no one would be following them. Being the first followers is less risky, but the followers don't get much publicity compared to the leader. With big leadership actions or groups people only talk about the group as a whole or the leader, so that is a down side to just being one of the first followers, not the leader. It is easier to be one of the first followers though, because just joining someone else you won't seem as weird or crazy. Being a follower you aren't the first or only one doing something weird or new.

Being a leader is a very good thing. Almost everyone has been a leader at some point, whether it's something small like telling people that bullying is not cool or fun, or starting a new fashion trend. It could also be something large, like Craig Kielburger starting Free the Children when he was just very young. Without leaders the world would be a very different place, you see leaders everyday! Your teachers are leaders, your parents are leaders. Some of the biggest leaders are ones we hear about a lot, they're government leaders, like the prime minister or the president of the country. Those leaders make very large decisions that will impact a whole country.

So, being a leader is not just an act by one person, for a leader to be a true leader they need followers, which are also very important. Leaders can also be standing up about something small, a leader is not necessarily someone we hear about everyday, like the Prime Minister, it can be anyone. So be a leader, if you're supporting something that you really care about being a leader can be very rewarding. Also, be a follower if you agree with the leader, help them out, without people supporting them what they are trying to do or talk about won't happen without followers.

-Fiona XOXO

I commented on: Andrew's Blog

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Future...

The future, it's something a lot of us wonder about, what new jobs will there be? What cool new inventions will be there? Will we all be millionaires? Will cows grow wings and fly? There are so many questions you could think of about the future, but most no one can say for sure will happen. Everyone has hopes for what will happen in the future. We just don't know basically anything that will happen!

Some of my hopes for the future are that global warming will be solved, the economy will be better and that situations like poverty are improved. Those are probably the main hopes that a lot of people have for the future. They're things that are bad now, so we hope that in the future someone will fix it and each situation will be improved.

There are also many new inventions that people now wish they have, so in the future we hope that people will have those. Some really cool inventions I can think of would be things like teleporting, automatically filling fridge/pantry and of course way better computers than we already have. Teleporting would be amazing because let's say you were sitting at home and kind of hungry and you felt like eating Chinese food. With a teleporter you could just instantly go to China, pick up some food than go home! It would be amazing! An automatically filling fridge/pantry would be a thing where you tell it what you would like to eat and it would just appear! You would never have to go grocery shopping or running out of some food that you really want. Also, better computers would be great. That one is pretty self-explanatory. Our computers are already really amazing, but they could always be better, we always have complaints.

So, in the future, there are many things that we wish would happen and things we wish will be created. We just don't know which or if any of them will happen! So, for the future all we can do is work for the future and hope.

-Fiona XOXO

Monday, February 15, 2010

Having a dinosaur as a pet...

Having a dinosaur as a pet seems like a pretty crazy idea. It would be really cool though! Dinosaurs are kind of a weird thing to think about though, no one we know could of possibly seen one, which is unlike many, many things in this world. The only way we can imagine them is through fossils and their skeletons. From there people can create a digital image of what they may have looked like. Although, we can't tell what colour they would have been, so they could have been really bright colours like yellow, purple and green! Or they could have been really bland colours like tan, white and gray. There is just no way to tell!

So even thinking of what a dinosaur was is so hard, thinking of what one would be like as a pet is even harder! When you think of a pet you think of a furry little dog or cat and maybe a cute little fish. Definitely not something as monstrous as a dinosaur! Imagine trying to house train one of those! It would be pretty cool to have one though, well if they were trained... I'm sure it would be the best watch dog ever! No one would dare come near your house with a massive dinosaur standing in front of it!

If I could have a dinosaur as I pet, I think I would want either a Tyrannosaurus Rex or a Pterodactyl. I would want a T-Rex because they're the dinosaur everyone talks about! They're very big and their teeth were huge! A T-Rex in my opinion is the scariest dinosaur. I would want one, as long as it liked me and wouldn't hurt me, because they'd be a great guard dog! It would freak me out a bit waking up in the morning and looking out my window to see it though...

I might want a Pterodactyl as a pet though because it could fly me around to places! No need for a car, if I wanted to go to the mall or a friends house I can just get my pet pterodactyl to fly me somewhere! Those things are also really big, so they must fly very fast, and my friends could fit on too! So if I could have a dinosaur as a pet I would want a cross breed of a Tyrannosaurus Rex and a Pterodactyl, a Pterodactosaurus Rex!

So having a dinosaur as a pet is a hard thing to imagine, but it would be very cool! It would be hard and probably a bit creepy seeing it in your backyard! So if I could have one dinosaur as a pet it would be a cross breed of a T-Rex and a Pterodactyl, a Pterodactosaurus Rex!

-Fiona XOX

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

If I won the lottery...

If I won the lottery and obtained 40 million dollars there is a lot of stuff I would LOVE to do! I think I would start with buying a private jet, just because I could travel wherever I wanted, whenever I wanted! I would also donate about 2 or 3 million to charity. I don't know which charities but probably 1 million to poverty in Africa, 0.5 million to animal related charities and 1 million to Haiti. I would also hire someone to personally create my graduation dress. Then I would buy a summer home in the Bahamas and a cottage in Michigan. I would definitely also buy one of those tickets to go to space. That would be AMAZING!

I would use a lot of the money traveling and shopping. I would also save some for when I'm older so I can buy a sick car and a mansion. It would be hard to save the money, but I would save at least 20 million out of my 40 million to use later in my life. I would definitely use some of it to pay for a good university and education. Some of the money I would give to my friends or spend on them like taking them on an awesome vacation, but I would also give a lot to my family, especially my mom. With all that money I would also go shopping a lot and buy super expensive designer clothes that I could never afford right now.

I think my favorite thing about having all that money would be traveling a lot and having an amazingly large house! Having a big beach house and cool cottage would also be really fun! With the money I would also do tons of stuff that I love, like going to concerts. I would even buy those concert tickets to go back stage and meet the bands that are always so overpriced.

Having that much money is hard to even think about! It's just an insanely large number, but I'm sure I wouldn't run out. Right now I don't really know everything that I would do with that money. It'd be nice to have all of that because you wouldn't ever have to be worried about not having enough money or going into debt. I could also donate a lot to charity and that always feels good to know that you're helping, especially with the situation in Haiti.

-Fiona XOX

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

If I could relive a day...

There are a few days that I might want to re-do and change something that I might've done wrong, or wish I did differently. There are also some days though that I just loved so much that I wouldn't mind reliving!

There are a few days when maybe I didn't do something that I really should've, like maybe study more a few days before the science exam! Some times there's thing that I wish I hadn't done and if I could re-do a day maybe I would do something differently. There's some days that maybe I wish I hadn't gone somewhere and just stayed at home, or maybe the opposite. Sometimes I may have said something that I can't take back, if I could do that day over again I could change it so I hadn't said or done that.

Some days I would love to re-live, just for the fun of it, like the day I went to a Jonas Brother's concert, or the day I went to the Cambridge Fall Fair with Emily M and saw some bands play. I would never want to live the same day over and over again, though. Even if it was the best day ever, living it over and over again would get really boring. No matter what day it was living it over and over again you would get very sick of it.

So I think everyone would like to live a day over again just for fun or to change something. Some days people do things without thinking and later they wish they could change what they did or said. Also, everyone would love to re-live a day, just simply because it was a really good day! Everyone has at least one special day that was great, but for different reasons. I certainly have a few days I would want to re-do just for fun and because I would want to change something I did or said.

-Fiona XOX

Friday, January 22, 2010

Super Powers!!

It would be great to have super powers. Being able to do incredible things without even trying! You could do anything, fly, read minds, become invisible or shape shift! Those are a few of my favorite super powers.

It would so SO cool to fly because you could go anywhere! Have you ever really wanted to go somewhere, like your friends house, but your parents wouldn't drive you? If you could fly you could just go there by yourself! Also, I really like flying in planes, it just feels really cool! It would be even more cool if you were just flying by yourself, not in some mechanical thing with a bunch of other people.

I would also really like to read minds, but I probably wouldn't want someone to read my mind! Haven't you ever wondered what someone is thinking of you? Like when walking around and some random person kind of looks at you weird, I would love to know what was going through their mind! Also, if someone is talking to you and you're kind of wondering if they're lying to you, you could just read their mind and you would know if they were lying!

Also, it would be amazing if you could be invisible. It would be a lot of fun to play pranks on people. Imagine driving your sister or brother crazy by just moving things in their room around and them having any idea what was going on!

So, I think that everyone would love to have super powers. Everyone would want different super powers though and for different reasons! Super powers would just be a lot of fun, especially kind of because you know that you can do something really special, that no one else can do. Even if some people could it probably wouldn't be many. Everyone does already have something special and unique about them, but super powers are amazing and cannot possibly be ignored.

So if I could have any super powers I wanted I would want to fly, read minds, become invisible and shape shift. To me those are the absolute coolest super powers I could ever imagine. If I could only have one, well, it would be a tie between flying and reading minds. What super powers would you want?

-Fiona XOX

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Someone Else's Shoes

If I could be another person for a day I would be a celebrity, like Taylor Swift or Katy Perry or Miley Cyrus. I would be someone like them because I think it would be a lot of fun to perform on stage and have a big crowd of people. While I was a famous person (with lots of money!) I would for sure go shopping at the biggest malls ever and buy tons of clothes and things. It would also be good to be a celebrity to see what it's like, because they always say how it's not always easy and fun, it's kind of hard to believe that though. So I think it would be good to be a celebrity to see if their complaints are true, or if they're just being winey.

I would mainly want to be famous to just have fun performing on stage, when they're up there it looks like they're having a lot of fun. Also, just the feeling they must have being up there, dancing and singing on stage with a huge crowd cheering for them and singing along.

Being a famous star might be hard though, it would take a lot of energy to sing almost every night and waking up early every morning. Also, paparazzi would love to catch you looking silly and publish it everywhere! Also it'd be close to impossible to keep anything private! Imagine if everyone was trying to find out all your secrets, someone would find out. You see all the stars in magazines, if they have a boyfriend or girlfriend and are even seen with another boy or girl it's published everywhere! It would be hard to have nothing private. The smallest thing you do will be known to everyone and magazines will always make things look worse then they are.

Even with all the bad things about being a celebrity I still would like to be one for a day, maybe a week. I think it would be a lot of fun, but I would also like to see how they feel with everyone invading their privacy.

-Fiona XOX

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Did you know?

In class we watched a video called: "Did you know?" and it told us some facts. Some of the facts that impacted me the most were: "China will soon become the number one english speaking country in the world.", "We are currently preparing students for jobs that don't yet exist... using technologies that haven't been invented... in order to solve problems we don't even know are problems yet.", "If Myspace were a country it would be the 5th largest in the world.", "It is estimated that a week's worth of the New York Times contains more information than a person was likely to come across in a lifetime in the 18th century." and "Predictions are that by 2049, a $1000 computer will exceed the computational capabilities of the entire human species."

Some of the information it told us kind of scared us, the fact about a computer being smarter than the whole human species is the fact that scared me the most. Imagine a computer, an electronic gadget being smarter than every human in the world! It also amazed us, like the fact about a week's worth of information from the New York times is more than a person would come across in a lifetime in the 18th century. So when someone is even a teenager if they read and learn the information from the New York Times they would know more information than say a 60 year old person in the 18th century.

This video was really interesting, some of these facts I could never imagine! It really opened my eyes to how the world has really changed and is going to continue changing. Compare the world in the 1800's to now. A lot has changed and in the 3000's or 4000's imagine what things will be like! Things in the world really change, especially in technology and health. There will be many more diseases, but also many more cures. In medicine there will always be something new. That's also true for technology, as you read this there are people making new technology, making computers smarter, making more programs to make our lives easier. It makes me wonder though, if computers will ever become too smart. Think, if they become smarter than us it will have many positives, but having some electronic gadget smarter than me and everyone I know kind of freaks me out.

So, this video really made me think of how the world has changed, and will keep changing. Some of the facts kind of scared me, but I think that it was really interesting and good to know. A lot of things that are being invented or changed will have a mainly positive impact in our future, but everything has it's down sides. For example, if we make cars and streets better maybe no one will walk or bike anymore. That is two down sides, people may not be as healthy or active and the pollution it would cause would be enormous! So this video just showed me how things will keep changing and made me think about the positives and negatives about that.

-Fiona XOX